Thanks to The Van Daminator for Raw results!
WWF Raw is War for August 3, 1998
Hosted by Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler
Taped from San Diego, California

• Nation Interview.
-After witnessing Sunday Night Heat, Rocky Maivia and Owen Hart were ready to take on Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Undertaker for the Tag Team Titles. Maivia called out Austin and Undertaker, but instead, Commissioner Slaughter came down to argue with The Rock. Austin went into the ring, and began to brawl with Maivia and Hart. Undertaker didn't enter the ring, because Kane came up from behind him. As Kane went back to the locker room with Paul Bearer, Undertaker followed, and was attacked by Mankind on his way. Austin was able to scare off the entire Nation.

• Marc Mero and Jacqueline Interview.
-Marc Mero bragged about Jacqueline winning the Bikini Contest. Golga made his way out, along with Sable. Sable introduced Kurrgan, Giant Silva, and Princess Luna to the ring. All three were formerly dressed, as Kurrgan sang the song "Ms. America."

• Golga (w/Sable and The Parade of Human Oddities) defeated Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline) with a Butt Splash.
-Sable did color commentary, and said once you get to know The Oddities, they are very nice. During the match, Jacqueline and Luna began to fight, distracting the referee. Giant Silva then choke-slammed Mero, letting Golga finish off the match with a Butt Splash.

• Brawl For All Contest: The Godfather defeated Scorpio.
-Before the match, backstage, Dan Severn announced he withdrew from the Brawl For All tournament, because he had nothing to prove. The Godfather came out with three beautiful women. He offered Scorpio a deal that he could fight three rounds or he could spend the night with the three women; Scorpio chose to fight. The Godfather threw two successful punches to gain 10 points, but lost 5 in the third round after he refused to let go of Scorpio. The Godfather was victorious, and would go onto face Bart Gunn in the semi-finals.

• Backstage, Michael Cole interviewed The New Age Outlaws. Both Jesse James and Billy Gunn discussed their upcoming match with Kane and Mankind.

• Kane and Mankind (w/Paul Bearer) defeated The New Age Outlaws with Kane's Tombstone.
-The New Age Outlaws gave it their all, but were basically dominated. As Mankind and Billy Gunn battled on the outside, Kane nailed Jesse James with the Tombstone for the win. Gunn was the legal man, and we was held back by Mankind while attempting to break-up the victory pin.

• Backstage, LOD 2000 did an interview. Hawk did not address himself as Hawk, but as his normal self. He apologized to everyone for being drunk the week before on Raw is War.

• Hawk defeated Jeff Jarrett with a Neckbreaker.
-Jeff Jarrett cut a promo in some pre-recorded comments before the match. Tennessee Lee had trouble getting his belt off, which would be a weapon for Jeff Jarrett to use. Instead, Hawk caught Jarrett off guard, and nailed him with a Neckbreaker to take the victory. Animal came down to congratulate his partner. Southern Justice appeared, and attacked LOD 2000 from behind. Finally, Darren Drozdov stopped all the mayhem.

• Vince McMahon Interview - (With Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, and Commissioner Slaughter)
-Vince McMahon guaranteed that Rocky Maivia and Owen Hart would defeat Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Undertaker for the Tag Team Titles. McMahon continued his talk that Undertaker and Kane were in cahoots, showing footage from last week's Raw that did not make sense. McMahon demanded that the Undertaker come down, and Undertaker appeared. Stone Cold Steve Austin then, unexpectedly, made his way out. Austin taunted The Undertaker and McMahon. As he made his way out, Undertaker began to speak. Undertaker claimed that Vince McMahon simply wanted he and Austin not to be the Tag Team Champions. Undertaker offered Austin a Tag Team Title that was rightfully his. Austin took it. Undertaker said that even though he is Tag Team Title partners with Austin, it didn't make as difference, as they have a World Heavyweight Title match coming up at Summerslam. McMahon was upset.

• Backstage, Rocky Maivia and Owen Hart did an interview, regarding their upcoming Tag Team Title match.

• Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Chyna) defeated X-Pac (w/Chyna) with the Pedigree.
-Very physical match between the two D-Generation X members. The winner would receive a Intercontinental Title shot at Summerslam. Surprisingly, Chyna attacked X-Pac on the outside of the ring. Helmsley then took the advantage, and finished off X-Pac with the Pedigree. Afterwards, X-Pac and Helmsley had a few arguing words with each other.

• Val Venis and Taka Michinoku vs. Togo and Teioh (w/Kaientai and Mrs. Yamaguchi San) resulted in a No Contest.
-As Val Venis went to tag-in Taka Michinoku, Taka attacked him, revealing that he joined Kaientai. The rest of Kaientai came in, and attacked Venis. Mrs. Yamaguchi San was very upset. Taka yelled out that Mrs. Yamaguchi San was his sister.

• D-Lo Brown defeated Dan Severn by Disqualification.
-Before the match, D-Lo Brown announced that he would wrestle the match under protest, because WWF officials forced him to defend the European Title. During the match, Mark Henry made h is way down, followed by Steve Blackman and Ken Shamrock. As the match went on, Shamrock began to attack both Nation members. Blackman broke it up. D-Lo Brown was announced the winner by Disqualification, and retained the WWF European Title. As D-Lo made his way up, Edge, out of no-where, attacked him from behind.

• Backstage, Kaientai continued their attack on Val Venis. Mrs. Yamaguchi San watched in disgust.

• Tiger Ali-Singh Interview.
-Tiger Ali-Singh offered any American women to take off her clothes for $500. His slave, Bafu (sp?) picked a rather large woman. She stripped, and Singh was in disgust. As she was taking her bra off, Singh offered her even more money just to put the clothes back on. The woman took the money.

• Backstage, Kaientai continued to attack Val Venis. They placed him on a table, and Yamaguchi San pulled out his long knife.

• Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Undertaker defeated Rocky Maivia and Owen Hart with Undertaker's Tombstone to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles.
-Stone Cold Steve Austin was wore down by The Nation members, as The Undertaker waited in anticipation to be tagged in. As Austin and Rocky Maivia battled on the outside of the ring, The Undertaker finished off Owen Hart with the Tombstone, for he and Austin to retain the Tag Team Titles. Afterwards, Kane and Mankind entered the ring. Mankind went after Undertaker. Kane hit Mankind with a chair, and it was unknown whether or not it was accidental. Undertaker then grabbed the chair, refused to hit Kane, and hit Mankind instead. The New Age Outlaws entered the ring, and action was everywhere.

• Before the show went off the air, staff busted into Kaientai's locker room. Val Venis was tied to a rope, stripped naked. Yamaguchi San held up the long knife, with Mrs. Yamaguchi San trying to put him to a stop. It was unknown whether or not Venis' penis was chopped off.